How do I care for new sunburst platy fry

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 11, 2011
Hi! Today when I when I woke up, I found about 30-40 platy fry in my breeding net. How do I care for them.
Feed them Liqifry or egg yolks at first, or just go with a fine flake food/crumble the flake food (I presume it is considerably larger than they could take). Remember they have small bellies which they empty quickly, so feed them about 4 times a day at first. Also if you can get live Daphnia or baby brine shrimp from your local fish store this will encourage growth. Plenty of light too.

Platy babies are gorgeous from the off (unlike, say, guppies), so I envy you! (I don't keep platy's ATM)

Good luck! :)
Should I feed tjem today since they were just born?
Congrats! I've had one small batch of platy fry and only one survived but I fed very finely crumbled flake food and the baby is doing great! It is about a month old now.
how com only one survived and how many did you have?
I only ever saw 5 for sure so it was either a very small batch or my other fish were very hungry. I only managed to catch 3 and put them in a breeding trap but they were so tiny they kept falling through the cracks in the trap! Only one managed to stay in long enough to grow too big to fall through. As far as I can tell so far she looks very healthy! I'm going to let her grow a bit more before putting her with the 'grown ups'!!
You are really better off using a separate breeding tank (creché) for raising fry. I did that and successfully raised 40 guppy fry from about 6 different females without any dying. I ended up feeding them twice a day, morning and night, with small crumbled flake food (which I further crumbled between my fingers)
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