how do i get my ph and alk. up?

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Jenny H.

Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 28, 2012
I have a 15 gallon tank that has been cycled for a couple weeks now. My ph and alkalinity was low last week so i put some Easy Balance by Tetra in it. well that worked for my ph but not my alkalinity. now my ph is low and my alkalinity is almost 0. I have done a 25% was change every 3 days since the problem. how do i get them to normal?
What is your pH...
In the tank?
From your source?
From your source after degassing for 24 hours?
ph is 6.8, from my api test kit, i have no idea what degassing is.
6.8 is a perfectly acceptable pH. Why are you wanting to mess with it?

Degassing... If you leave a jug of water sit for 24 hours, with some movement, excess gasses that effect the pH will escape the water.

So, we know your tanks pH... 6.8

What is the pH of your source water (the water that you use to refill your tank, tap water)?

What is the pH of your source water after it degasses? To get this value, fill a clean milk jug half way with water and run an air stone in it for 24 hours. If you don't have an air pump and stone then put some water in a shallow container and give it a good stir every so often. After 24 hours check the pH.
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