How do I know if red cherry shrimp eggs are fertile?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 25, 2004
LA, Ca
Thats the question.

I bought one female with eggs from a tank with many shrimp in it. I was hoping they were fertile.

Chances are they are fertile. I only have experience with sw shrimp and ghost shrimp but I believe fertile shrimp eggs are green.
Ghost shrimp eggs are green. I don't know about cherry shrimp. This will be like the tenth time, but.... pm Tankgirl she keeps cherry shrimp so she would be a good help.
They're most likely fertile, but make sure she's in the proper evironment for them to successfully grow in. Lots of java moss, no fish or other shrimp. Let her release and take her out. The larvae will do the rest. Adding infusoria or green water every second day can't hurt either.
cool, thanks everyone. I will buy some more moss-its good to have anyway!
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