How do I save this corydoras? Swimming sidways.

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 25, 2016
Bought them off ebay, they came in the mail today, this one is swimming sideways. What specific medicine do I need to buy? I'm about to make a run to the store now.
Clean water, Prime and feed some green peas, the centers cook till a little soft/mushy.

I hope you acclimated them to the new tank water gradually. Maybe someone else has had this same issue and can help with a specific med. I just saw one at eh lfs doing the same thing. Could be whirling disease maybe but maybe a swim bladder issue.
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Clean water, Prime and feed some green peas, the centers cook till a little soft/mushy.

I hope you acclimated them to the new tank water gradually. Maybe someone else has had this same issue and can help with a specific med. I just saw one at eh lfs doing the same thing. Could be whirling disease maybe but maybe a swim bladder issue.

I did. I acclimated them over several hours. Thanks for the green peas tip, I'll give that a try.
If they're acting like that it's best to get them to clean water as fast as possible. Don't worry about acclimation, other than that it's about the same temperature.

Corydoras when under extreme stress can expel a poison which is deadly to fish. It looks exactly like what the Cory is doing in the video. Probably too late know, I hope he made it!
I euthanized him just now

Can anybody point me towards Corydoras Julii online seller that won't break my heart?
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