How get get rid of hair algae?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 25, 2013
I set up my tank about 2 weeks ago and a hair algae bloom has started. What's the best way to get rid of it? Should I add a cuc or remove it manually or something?

Manual removal is a start. Algae growth comes from nitrates and phosphates, which are excess nutrients in the water column. As your tank is brand new and cycling, this is pretty common. Since you are cycling your tank, just turn the lights off to help with fighting this battle.
So if my LFS has this hair algae in nearly all of their tanks, is this a bad sign? Should I steer clear of purchasing plants or fish from this store?
So if my LFS has this hair algae in nearly all of their tanks, is this a bad sign? Should I steer clear of purchasing plants or fish from this store?

I've not purchased coral for this very reason. I learned very fast not to introduce algae into the tank that you don't want. There are some coral that come with algea that my tangs would eat, Im ok with those but NEVER would I place hair algae in my tank.

Fish shouldn't be an issue I don't think?
I'm also surprised you have hair algae in a 2 week tank, was it an existing tank that you just moved or are you starting new? New tanks usually get quick diatom blooms but hair algae usually takes a little while at least...
I used established live rock from a friends tank so the tank cycled in about 4 days. I got diatoms on day 6 which went after about 3 or 4 days and I now have hair algae!
Reducing phosphates will help. I also put a lawnmower benny in and he chomped it all in the space of about 2 weeks.

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