How many cichlids in a 75g?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 6, 2011
I have quite a bit of rock and African cichlids all like peacocks. Max size is like 5-6 inches I believe. I have like 7 at the moment and wanting to get 2 jack dempseys. Are they even compatible? How big do they get? If that's fine how many could I fit in there with a common pleco? I know the place will have to go once he gets bigger but he's only 3 inches now.
By how many I meant cichlids not just jack dempseys, and I believe it would be a male dempsey
As a general rule you should not keep Central Americans with africans. one because they have different dietary needs. two different water paramaters. and differant aggression levels. as for the numbers on the africans i can not speak to as i am more of a CA/SA person. what is your current stock list? mabybe we can give you some suggestions that would be more compatable with your stock.

On the size of the JD they get around 8-10in on average for a male. and ive seen older males pushing 12-14in. Female JDs get some where around 7 or 8 inches.

Now to adress the pleco. a full grown common plecostomus get upwards of 18in. and require 125 gallons for an adult. there are plenty of other species of pleco or catfish that stay around 10in or smaller but i will let some one else speak for that cause im not up to speed on many pleco species that do well with africans.
So would the jd be ok with the Africans? I have 7 of them. And the pleco be ok until he got too big? How long does the pleco generally take to get about a ft from 3 inches? I want a bigger tank soon but I don't wanna get rid of my pleco
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