How many fishies in my tank?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 29, 2004
New Jersey
What is the general rule of fish per galllon?? The fish store had told us one inch of fish per gallon of water.... is this correct? We were thinking about getting some new fish, but don't want to over-crowd anyone :?

Right now we have a 37 gal tank that has the with of a 29 gallon, but taller.
2 Ballon Mollies
4 Paltties
4 fancy Guppies
2 Clown loaches
1 L200 Pleco
I think an inch a gallon is an ok rule of thumb, but it is only a rule of thumb.
How much you can stock depends a lot on what kind fish you hope to keep and what kind of water quality you keep.
With your current stock, I would think a trio of cute cory's and some plants would be in order.
Cory's by themselves are quite good fun but a trio is a gas. Jeff
Forgot to mention, tank is moderately planted :)

We use to have 2 cories, but they both died within a week of eachother. All, the other fish seemed to be fine, and the water levels were all normal. All, but the PH (it was a little high). I really liked them, guess we could try again... Any other recommendations, on what else we could add??

I am sorry to hear about your loss.
Though it have never happened to me before, I have heard of others losing cories in the same manner. I beleive it has something to do with them being starved before their arrival at the LFS where they then proceed to gorge themselves. Something like that anyway. Someone weigh in here with the real story.
With your choice of fish, I think the world is really your oyster. What about a Groumi, a single Siamese fighter fish or even a trio of neons? Just a though. All should be readily available, all should go with your existing stock and all are rather interesting and pretty fish. I would even be tempted tp plump for an angel, though their behaviour on occasion can be less than angelic.
Thanks for the advice... .. it defiantly helps in deciding :D With the there a way to tell in the store how healthy they are..the ones we had looked pretty good, but then again i guess we really didnt know, since we were just starting out.
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