how many times a day do you feed your fish

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Growing out - 2-3 very small amount, about what can eat in under 30 seconds

Once grown at random times and always alternating between different foods and different flakes (have about 15 different kinds of foods some homemade or blended)

Just get a feel for it after a couple decades of watching em lol, high pace fast current like a little more often in smaller amounts, things such as plecos enjoy a 3 night on 1 night off (for an 18 inch) as long as use foods that aren't very rich in proteins and high in fiber

Blah blah blah, wutever keeps em satisfied and not too fat, a fit fish is a happy fish :D
Variation is the key in small amount, most fish graze on low nutrition items with a bigger meal every once in a while (AKA treats) is a good place to start, you could write a series of books on the subject 0.o which is close to what I'm doing so I'm gonna stop...... Sorry for the long post :p
I generally feed every other or every third day. About once a week, I soak the food in a combo of garlic guard and vita-chem. Frozen mysis shrimp or plankton is a once a week treat.
Once every other day for my 34 Gallon Saltwater and my 20 Gallon Freshwater. Once a day for my 55 Gallon Saltwater.
Discus grow outs:

6x Prime Reef
1x super color
2x beef heart
1x blood worm (as a distraction during daily water change)
my mom feeds them 1ce in the morning around 8am when she goes to work,then later at night around 1am I feed them 1ce more.
Adults twice a day at least, fry tanks 3 or more depending what they are and when I'm getting ready to ship other than fry most everyone gets fasted since its not nice to feed the neighbors and not them
My angel community is fed 2x daily. My betta communmity is fed twice daily except on fasting days once a week. Shrimp are fed when their algae wafers are gone. Guppy adults are fed 2x daily, but fry are fed 4x daily.
I feed my adult fish every other day and juveniles daily, fry twice a day.

If you keep a slack feeding routine the water quality stays better for longer and the fish eat more aggressively and scavenge as well.
I feed my Cichlids 2x day. I cut up three Cichlid Pellets (one for each fish, and I cut them up bc my Cichlids are to small to eat the full sized pellets).

For my Pleco I drop one Algae Waffer in at night.

For my Pictus and Guppies I feed 2x day. Flakes for the guppies and I put extra in so the Pictus can clean up and in the night time i break an Algae Waffer in half for the Pictus.

I am unsure if I am feeding them the proper amount of food. some input would be greatly appreciated :)
3 times a week, i Feed them Flakes, Frozen Bloodworms twice a week, and de-shelled peas once a week. I fast them on sundays.
I feed once or twice a day, but sometimes nothing. Frozen bloodworms about twice a week for a treat.
The feeding times really depends on the type of fish. Some need to be fed every day, and some don't need to be fed everyday. To be safe, I would say maybe feeding once a day for an average fish would satisfy them, however you should really do a search online or through referring books to find the exact time sequence to feed your fish in order to save them from starving.

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