How many would be too many?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 4, 2012
I've got a 64 gallon tank stocked with:
Maylandia crabro x2 (bumble bee Cichlids)
Pseudotropheus zebra (blue cobalt Cichlid)
procambarus alleni (electric blue crayfish)
Golden Chineze algae eater x2
Senegal Bichir
guppies x4

I was wondering if I could add more Cichlids without running the risk of over stocking when they are full grown.
I would say that you are about stocked. Are the guppies in the same tank as the cichlids?!?! The guppies should be dead!
Yeah the cichlids leave them alone.... I have seen no real aggression since they were all added about 3 months ago
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