How to cool a tank down?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Oct 17, 2011
Surrey, United Kingdom
We are having a mini heat wave here in the uk and my tank has gone from 24*C to 28*C. I need to cool it down and have turned off lights and closed curtains.
What else can I do?
A fan pointed across the front and side of the tank should bring the temp down a couple of degrees. And if possible keep the tank cover open.

What fish are you keeping?
I live in Tenerife and the weather is constantly affecting the temp on my tank, when I had koi used to put ice cubes in a plastic tub and float them around, but now I have tropical so I've found a reef blower (not sure of the correct name) pointed up adding lots of ripples helps cool the water too, :)
Fill an empty plastic bottle halfway with water. Put it in the freezer. When it freezes into ice put the bottle in the tank. But that will help you the next day. Not immediately. And you would probably need multiple bottles ready.
tropical-fish said:
A fan pointed across the front and side of the tank should bring the temp down a couple of degrees. And if possible keep the tank cover open.

What fish are you keeping?

Bolivian ram
Neon tetra
Zebra loach
Peppered Cory
Harlequin Rasbora
Bolivian ram
Neon tetra
Zebra loach
Peppered Cory
Harlequin Rasbora

Yeah with that stock you'll need to keep an eye on the temp. But with it being the UK the weather could change any day now.

I'm living in Singapore and my tank is at a constant 31 to 32c. So unless I get a chiller I can only keep fish that are good with high temps and I have the tank well oxygenated.
A fan pointed across the front and side of the tank should bring the temp down a couple of degrees. And if possible keep the tank cover open.

What fish are you keeping?
I do this with my tanks during the summer, I place the fan at one corner of the aquarium so the air is blown across the front glass, it keeps the aquarium a constant 80.2 to 80.4.
Before I started it was 83.1 and I tried the ice method it would work but I had to keep adding more ice and freezing bottles.

This way I just set the fan and I don't have to do anything else I just leave it run 24/7.
I'm going through the same as you fishyperson, I'm in the UK my tank got over 28 on Friday. I've just opened my lids and I have a fan blowing at them seems to have helped. My fish seem to be coping ok.
I'm also I'm UK, it's got over 30 past 3 days! Floating some ice in a zip lock bag!
Putting Ice is a waste of time it will melt as soon as you put it in

A water change everyday never hurts a tank

Fill right from the tap

Drain tank 40% then add tap water conditioner directly to the tank then refill from the hose

All this ageing water or mixing in a bucket is a waste of time

Anything below 90 is fine as long as you have lots of air in the tank

I also live in the UK and my tank is sitting at 89 and that's with 200 gal per day of fresh water going into the tank and over flowing via a sump drain
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