How to get "junk" out of pond?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 12, 2003
Houston, Tx

I've got a ~400 gal preform above-ground pond that I just finished up this spring. It sits in the corner of our yard and is quite pleasant. I've got two plants that are thriving in the pond, so I'm not too worried about my algae problem (I'll have koi in there in a week or two). But, what gets me is all of the dirt, grass, dead leaves, etc. that collects on the bottom. It's getting so bad now that it's difficult to see the bottom. I'd like to watch the fish swim around (when I get them), but I can't right now because it's so murky. What's the best way of cleaning up all this stuff at the bottom? The only thing I can think of is a vacuum device that's used in pools, but you need a source of vacuum, a place to catch the crud, and a water return nozzle. Any thoughts?
How about something like a Python gravel vac? You could hook it to your garden hose to provide the suction and maybe a nylon stocking over the suction part to catch the big leaves to keep it from clogging. They make extra long vacuun attachments that are about 3 feet long.
You say it is above ground, so as long as you get the outlet of the hose into a lower spot, you can just use the syphon method mentioned above. Just take your garden hose, and submerge it starting at one end, and then putting some more under a little at a time. When the other end finnally is under, put your hand over it, and take it to a low spot making sure that the other end remains under water. Release your hand from the bottom of the hose, and just let the syphon suck all of the muck away.
Take a broom handle and a few cable ties, and you can attatch the suction end of the hose to the handle. That should make it easier to manipulate.
A net would be my choice. I would also suggest a good external bio filter (like a Little Sister with a small pump). Even with just one or two koi, there will be a lot of waste.
Thanks for all the advice up to this point. I've tried a net, but the stuff is just too passes right through. I'll try the siphon this weekend, but I'm not sure it will work. Even though I said it was above ground, the lowest spot in the pond is actually below ground. ~10% of the preform is below ground to provide stability to the bottom parts of the coves on either end.
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