How To Get Rid Of Hydra???

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 8, 2011
Victoria, BC, Canada
Hi, I have two fresh water tanks, one is a 29 gallon with 6 mollies and 3 platys, and the other is a 15 gallon with 4 african dwarf frogs and 1 betta. Both tanks are infested with hydra and there are even some hydra attached to my frogs. I've tried scrubbing the tank and doing frequent water changes and I've even tried turning up the heat while my fish are in a separate tank. NOTHING SEEMS TO GET RID OF THEM what do I do?
Fenbendazole can be used to kill hydra, its found in most de-wormers at local pet store, or feed stores, but using it in your tank with fish can have its consequences, I would do a little research on the dosing of it, and make sure that it wont have ill affects on your tankmates. Ive also heard that buttterly rams like to eat hydra, if you have room in the tank, this might be a viable option, but again I would suggest research with compatibility in your tanks.
Thanks for the reply, i got some metronidazole and praziquantel medication, i did lots of research on it and it isnt too hard on fish. I would have preferred a non chemical method but there's just too many of them its getting out of hand and they are attached to my frogs and fish so i think I need to pull out the heavy guns. My pet store recommended this stuff so i sure hope it works
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