How to get rid of the mystery bug

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 28, 2004
Canada!! "eH"
:roll: It is like called fish lice but im not shure they are like orange and black and very small. Do you guys have any clues how to rid of them and what they are?~!?!?
Do you know another name for them? I'm not 100% postive but I believe the mardel line makes an antibotic for these...if I'm thinking of the right thing. If you can find another name for it I can look it up for you. I could also be wrong on this too but I believe its is very fatal if not treated fast enough? Anyhow hopefully someone can help you asap . Sorry for my lack of help.
Fish lice are parasitic crustaceans of the genus Argulus. In heavy infestations they can kill a fish and even in small numbers they will make a fish's life miserable.

A product called Parasite Clear by a company called Jungle will clear up Argulus fairly quickly. However, some fish like loaches may be sensitive to this medication (I've used in in a tank with loaches and they all survived it but I could tell that they were in distress for a day or so) and it will kill other invertebrates that you might have in your tank like snails and shrimp.
Thanks, But they havent killed any except for one unlucky. They are like the size of the piriods like.. That size about I saw them On some of my fish but only one died and I hate them. I tried the antibiotic's , like quick cure which is a copper or what ever it is called again. But I am Getting tired of them :x
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