How to set up a quick Quarantine Tank for Velvet

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 17, 2004
New England
In the past week...I have lost 4 fish to what I now know is Velvet. I have no idea how it was only guess is that it came in the Trophont Stage when I introduced some Orange Cumcumbers 6 weeks ago...prior to that I had not had any additions to the tank for 10 weeks.

I have 3 other fish still int the tank: Pygmy Angel, Purple Firefish, and Lawnmower Blenny. They are showing no real signs...except for some possible "flashing".

Should I quickly set up a QT and treat with Copper?? I am concerned about the copper will never let a bacteria for the biological filter grow. I don't know what is let Velvet take it's course and let the tank fallow for 8 weeks if the other 3 fish come down with it...or move the fish that are currently "okay" and subject them to possible ammonia and copper poisoning??

How do you set up a quick QT?? Even if I had one already...the copper would kill the biological filter. I am thinking need a 20 gallon tank...heater...light...HOB filter and a PH. Would zeolite in the filter instead of charcoal be a help or a hindrance in regards to ammonia.

Any recommendations??


WhiteCloud said:
How do you set up a quick QT?? Even if I had one already...the copper would kill the biological filter. I am thinking need a 20 gallon tank...heater...light...HOB filter and a PH.
You don't need the light persay but it will come in handy. Ambient room light is fine and actually prefered, it will help keep stress to a minimum.

Fill the QT with the main tank's water, get the water movement/filter equip set up and the temp stable, transfer the fish and begin a copper treatment, preferabley Cupramine. It is the least harmful and will actually allow some bacteria to survive/grow ableit very slowly. The only way to combat the ammonia is through water changes, often 2x daily more or less depending on the levels. You need to ensure the treatment level is maintained at all times so medicating the new SW before the water change will be easiest.

Would zeolite in the filter instead of charcoal be a help or a hindrance in regards to ammonia.
You cannot use any type of sorbant media with copper. Any type of media that will aid in nitrogen control will also remove the copper. Zeo should not really be used without carbon and due to the Zeo's constant need for cleaning/replacing, it would not be an effective biomaterial.

Zeolite being an ion exchange product rather than sobant, I really do not know how it would interact with the copper itself. I cannot seem to find any relevent resources on that particular bit.

Good luck
Went to Petco and picked up an "all in one" All-Glass 20 gallon Kit for $89 to PetCo with heater, filter, light, thermometer, and tank for my QT. The Kit price was MUCH better than if I tried to buy each part separately. It has enough to get started. I have an extra I am all set there.

I looked all over for a LFS that had Cupramine and a Copper one had any!! I am going to try to order online and get Overnight Shipping for Tuesday. No one has any outward signs of severe disease. It will also give me an extra day to get the tank stabilized.

I have a gunked up Polyfilter I was going to put in the HOB filter...which should get the Biological filter at least started.

Lets hope this is the right thing to do!

WhiteCloud said:
I have a gunked up Polyfilter I was going to put in the HOB filter..
Polyfilter or polypad?

If a true polyfilter, you cannot use this with a copper med. It will sorb it out and make the treatment useless.

Oh yeah...forgot about that!!!! Thanks for reminding me!! I will just keep it in the filter while the tank stabilizes before adding the copper.


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