How to tell if fishes are getting aggressive?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 20, 2007
Not know how fishes generally behave how can I tell if my fishes are becoming aggressive or are just being playful? I have 3 blank skirts, 3 neons, 1 cichlid and 2 otocincluses (cat fish).
When 1 of the fish stops being playfull and hides a lot or is missing body parts then you may have some issues. What kind of cichlid is it? The other fish are pretty passive and The cichlid depending on what kind of cichlid will probably be the aggressor. Are the all relatively the same size??
I have a 20g Waherhome Tanks, and the cichlid is golden ram (i believe). These fishes are all about 1 inches.

Well, I inspected all the fishes and am happy to say that none have them lost any body parts and all are swimming around.
the obvious sign is when the type of fish being picked on starts dying out rather quickly. as mentioned above, another couple signs are injuries, and hiding in or behind things on the tank. My red tail shark has became such a bully its looking like he might end up getting adopted!! he's not worth the 50 bucks in fish he's killed in the last couple months.
i have plenty of fish that "butt heads", such as chasing each other, but i have never see any damage so i assume it is ok. Just b/c you dont see damage doesnt mean that everything is ok though. Some fish will chase the others so much it will literally stress them to death.

I have a fully planted 55 gallon so there is enough space for the territorial fish and for the passive fish.

I have a Chinese Algae Eater that is such a PITA. He doesnt latch onto my silver dollars or angels like i feared he might (didnt know what it was when i got it). If he ever did i would get rid of him. Anyways, he chases my 5" Bala Sharks like he is boss. This guy is only about 3" long.
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