How's this for a stock?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 25, 2006
Queens, NY
20 Long, non-planted. AC3O Filtration.

1 Dwarf Gourami
2 Cories
4 Rosy "glass" barbs
5 Tetras (unsure of the kind right now).

I currently have 1 barb and 1 gourami.
i would get 3 or more cories, because they like to be in groups and will be much happier that way.
aquariumnoob said:
i would get 3 or more cories, because they like to be in groups and will be much happier that way.

Cories are much more fun when in groups. They are much more active. You can go with a species that stays smaller like Panda Cories.
I'd bump up the corys to a group of 3-4. Like agentm mentioned, buy a small species like pandas. You could even keep 5-6 pygmy corys if you can find them. The rest of your stock list looks fine, provided you choose a small species of tetras, like neons, cardinals, rummynose, green fire, glowlight, etc. The glass barbs are not nippy IME and should be fine with a dwarf gourami.
I would recommend blood fin tetras -- very pretty and hardy. I have had them for 1.5 years now and they show very nice color if you feed them a variety of food
Yeah, bloodfin tetras are really pretty. They are very easy to keep, too.
If you are going to keep the Rosies in the 20g long, I think you should go with 6-8 and have them as the single school. They can get up to 4 inches, and I personally think thats pushing it for a 20g, but might be fine, if they are the only school. Bump the cories up to 6 atleast and choose a smallish type. If you can find dwarf cories, you could have 8-10 as they only get around an inch. With the gourami added to the mix, the tank will be stocked IMO.
JustOneMore, that sounds pretty good actually. I bought 3 rosy barbs last night. They get along just fine with the glass barb (which I guess would make sense since their species and genus name is exactly the same). They are in fact swimming in a school and its fun to look at, being I never kept schooling fish. The gourami does just fine with them as well.

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