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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 13, 2009
Hey guys. Winter is creeping up slowly (its already around 65 degrees right now at the end of August--much to my dismay) and I was wondering how everyone here combats humidity from their fish tanks? When I moved home for the summer (which will now be an extended stay till January) we saw a decent rise in humidity in the house already. Im concerned for when winter comes and we close up the house that I will be living in the equivalent of a rain forest. Just curious if anyone else fights this problem. Web wasnt much help. I do have a dehumidifier but would prefer not to run it all winter. Thanks.
I have 2 large tanks in my basement and haven't had much of an issue. The dehumidifer can help, but wait and see if you really need it.
i really dont have too much of a problem too. the more you seal the tank up the less you have to worry about it. you prob wouldnt have to run the dehumidifier 24/7
Alright Ill keep an eye on it when the time comes. My father is the one who is most concerned, so Im working on calming his worries lol.
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