I am cycling my tank, I need some advice

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 20, 2013
I have a 50 gallon freshwater aquarium.

I plan on getting African Cichlids this upcoming Friday!

The problem is I have a level of in the middle of 2-4ppm ammonia, and 0.50ppm

How can I get them to 0 before Friday?

I have a product called Prime seachem which is supposed to take away ammonia and nitrate and I have a product called nutrafin, which is supposed to do the same I use them daily.

Should I do a 20% water change ever day? Or will that be bad? Thanks
No, I have 4 Zebra Danios in my tank, they've been in there for two weeks, I had, 2 red tail harks, 3 tiger barbs, 2 roseline sharks, 4 clown loaches. All the clown loaches, roseline Sharks died, i then retured my red tails and tiger barbs. I then decided to go for african cichlids.
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