I could use some good water change advice.

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 25, 2003
I had my water checked today and I could use a partial water change as I had "moderate levels". We have a well and our water runs through a softener. Should I use bottled spring water? Should I use water close to the temp of the tank (right now it is 80) or is room temp OK?
How often do you normally do water changes? This should be done around once a week...around 20%. If your water goes through a softener, it should be fine to use, just treat it with a conditioner like you would from tap water. The water temp of the water you are adding, doeesn't have to be exactly 80 degrees...but around that temperature. Any major temperature changes could shock or stress your fish.
Does the water from you faucets out side run through the softener? If not then just use the water from out side. If it does take the advice from Imw80. I agree with what they said
I have only had the tank (45 gal) for about 6 weeks so I have no idea how often to change the water...I'm glad I asked I had no idea I had to do it so often. I have a good sized double carbon filter and thought that would do a pretty good job. If I have to change 10 gals of water every week (what have I gotten myself into!!) I would be really tired of lugging bottles of water around. I'll try the tap water I guess.
My advice to you is take the carbon out of your filter, or change the filter and don't add the carbon. Usually when you first put carbon in a filter you are supposed to rinse it out because of carbon dust. This might not be your problem, but I bet it helps!!!
Only really use carbon to remove color tints from the water [ I.E. From Driftwood ] or to remove medication.
:D Welcome to the wonder world of aquariums :D

If you don't want to lug water around in buckets or bottles look into getting a python. It will allow you to drain, refill and vacuum the aquarium without all the heavy carrying. The softener should be no problem if you can't get around it, check your outside water tap to see if it bypasses the softener, and get a python long enough to reach it.

I'd also look into getting your own test kit, I use the Freshwater master test kit from aquarium pharmicuticals, not very expensive and lets you keep an eye on your own water quality as needed.
I also use the Freshwater Master Test Kit from Aquarium Pharm. [ Doc Wellfish ].

and you definately need to get a python, It gets extremly tiresome carrying 5gal pale after 5gal pale to and fro, I'm hoping to grab one for myself this week.
Heh I find the first 5 gal pail weighs about 50 pounds, the last one seems to weigh around 200 pounds :p

And I always seemed to find a way to slosh a pile of water on to the floor at some point in the bucket brigade. :mrgreen:
Thanks for the great advice. I have a "Pro-Tech" 300 filter with 4 separate carbon filters (I can take them apart and remove or replace just the carbon) running now...do you think I don't really need the carbon or that I just shouldn't replace it as often as they recommend (4-6 weeks)? And...I really do need to change 20% every week? I only have 3 platys, 1 molly, 2 veil tail tetras and 5 neon tetras but I hope to get two gouramis also. I'm so glad I found this place! THANKS! :D
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