I don't name my fish...but I know you do!

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Gregcoyote said:
Does your Wolf Blenny (blenny hill...ha!) seem to breath fast? Mine is pretty old and fat, but he has always seemed to breath really fast.

yeah he does, and you call it a wolf blenny?
Yes, I really meant lawnmower but in reality it is:

The Sailfin/Algae Blenny is notable for its unique looks and winning personality. With a mottled tan color, oversized eyes, and typical body shape of the Blenniidae family, Salarias fasciatus adds visual appeal to any marine aquarium. But despite its tendency to grow to an impressive 5" in size in the home aquarium, the Sailfin/Algae Blenny remains peaceful, active and, therefore, fun to observe.
Also referred to as the Jewelled Rockskipper, Lawnmower, or Rock Blenny.
I had four Molly known as: (friends characters)

Ross (calico male)
Rachel (Creamsicle female)
Monica (black female)
Pheobe (Dalmatian female)

Lol my females have passed on and I have two new girls and decided to give the group new names.. They are now:

Prince William (calico male)
Kate Middleton (24 Karat female)
Pippa (Dalmatian female)

Serpae Tetra are known as The Royal Guard! Lol (there is a castle in the tank that inspired that hah)

My betta is named Barney Stinson!

I used to have a pleco named Plexter (after Dexter) and two common goldfish Shannon & Sayid (Lost)
I had four Molly known as: (friends characters)

Ross (calico male)
Rachel (Creamsicle female)
Monica (black female)
Pheobe (Dalmatian female)

Lol my females have passed on and I have two new girls and decided to give the group new names.. They are now:

Prince William (calico male)
Kate Middleton (24 Karat female)
Pippa (Dalmatian female)

Serpae Tetra are known as The Royal Guard! Lol (there is a castle in the tank that inspired that hah)

My betta is named Barney Stinson!

I used to have a pleco named Plexter (after Dexter) and two common goldfish Shannon & Sayid (Lost)

My favorite names yet!
I don't name all my fish but the ones I have named are the goldfish, Boo!, Percy, Fenton and Wolfgang (I also had a Rupert, Charlie and Francis at one stage) and two of my Bettas are Tucker and August.
Gregcoyote said:
There seems no end to cleaver fish names. I am getting some sexy shrimp that will beg for names. Anyone name their corals?

Just wondering..the shrimp are going in a frag tank right? Not the DT?

Lol i dont name my corals. The closest tging to a coral that i would name is my nem...but it doesnt have a name either:p
I have only had 3 named fish. One was my first tank inhabitant, a mystery snail. It was grey and I decided to named it Al Capone because I thought it was the color grey I thought a mobster would have his suit. My other two are my yellow bullheads that my buddy and I caught at a pond. He named the one he caught Ronny. I choose the name Bob, because I could call him Bob the Bullhead and it reminds me of that kids show Bob the Builder. Had a catchy little intro song.
Bought a baby clown tang home today. He will get to grow up in my 6' long frag tank before joining the big tangs. He came with a name. Bozo.
Ho Ho got a lot of names...

Betta- Mist
Dwarf Gourami- Samson
Bolivian Ram- Tigerscales
Green Corydoras- Emerald Lagasse (Haha puns...)
Peppered Corydoras- Peppermint Butler
2 Otos- Sun and Moon
5 danios (Named by little brother) - Electric, Galaxy, Goldo, Sunburst and Fluffy Water
3 Snails- Ivory Janitor (deceased :bawl:) Blue Vacuum and Gold of the Heavens
4 Crawfish- Dark Moon, Pinisr, Topsy-Turvy and Mr Perkins
Male crowntail betta - Dubya
Male calico ryukin goldfish - Gypsy
Female gold ryukin goldfish - Blondie
Dwarf gourami: Swimmy
5 zebra danios: Larry, Larry, Larry, Larry, and Tiny Tim

My 3 year old named them :)
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