I think i have gone to far...

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 10, 2005
Rapid City, SD

took this picture of my 75 Gallon "South American" tank today... if i did not know better i would think this tank is plant only :roll:


keep in mind...somewhere in all that there should be...

3 Angles: Pterophyllum scalare
2 Bolivian Rams: Microgeophagus altispinosa
4 (2m/2f) "Orange Flash" Cockatoo Cichlids: Apistogramma cacatuoides
1 male Apistogramma sp. "Steel-Blue"
7 Rummy-nosed Tetra: Hemigrammus rhodostomus
6 Cardinal Tetra: Paracheirodon axelrodi
5 Julii Cory: Corydoras julii
1 Rubberlip pleco: Chaetostoma thomsoni
3 Oto: Otocinclus mariae

not a single one made it on cammera....

have any of your planted tanks become "plant only" or atleast they look that way?
wow!! what is the large red leaf plant on the right?
those don't grow in south america though do they??

they're very pretty....
flyjawn said:
those don't grow in south america though do they??

they're very pretty....
you will notice that i have "South America" in quotes, although i have been true with the fish, and started off true with the plants i have allowed a few Asian plants to get into my tank... Tiger Lotus, a Java Fern, Sunset Hygo and a little wisteria.

the Tiger Lotus is very beautiful, but it had totaly over grown the 10 gallon i had it in, it did sprout a runner before i moved it, so i have another one growing out in the ten gallon.
JDogg said:
flyjawn said:
those don't grow in south america though do they??

they're very pretty....
you will notice that i have "South America" in quotes, although i have been true with the fish, and started off true with the plants i have allowed a few Asian plants to get into my tank... Tiger Lotus, a Java Fern, Sunset Hygo and a little wisteria.

the Tiger Lotus is very beautiful, but it had totaly over grown the 10 gallon i had it in, it did sprout a runner before i moved it, so i have another one growing out in the ten gallon.

i started with a south american tank... and i was specific to the point of ridiculousness. i only wanted species from the orinoco river basin!

i've since given up that "mission" and now i also have some asian plants in my tank. they're so much easier to care for and i've re-converted my tank to a completely low tech, low maintenance setup.
It does look better since you got your lawnmower fixed. I can actually see fish in it now.
Great looking tank, I wish I had your problem.
Jchillin said:
Hmmm...did you get any offers for mulch? :) Nice job of trimming, perfectly coiffed.
i think i go the regular sag and the dwarf sag mixed up on the last re-scape :D

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