I want to redo my tank!

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My 10g really needs to be redone. Its ok, but i need it looking better, at a minimum price. I would like sand. Any thoughts?
When I redo my tanks I like getting sand and new driftwood (can be found outside;)) for a quick pick-me-up. Also, getting a few different plants or getting rid of a few really help. Perhaps a picture can help us;)
$10 can get you more than enough sand for your substrate. You can get white silica sand, black sandblasting sand, brown play sand, or a light brown pool filter sand.

Just be sure to wash them very thoroughly before use.
This is what I would do:

Go to home depot and grab a bag of silica sand or pool filter sand. About $8 for 50#. You can also get black diamond blasting sand for the same price. With the blasting sand you cant keep anything like cory cats or loaches.

I'd get rid of the fake decor. Generally with stock lighting you can grow low light plants, which are pretty inexpensive. Anubias, Crypts, Java Fern, Bolboitis (sp), moss, and marimo moss balls. If you don't want live plants, get some natural colored silk ones.

I'd collect some rocks, or go online and buy some driftwood. The right piece will make the tank. You can buy a fairly cheap piece of driftwood on ebay. While on ebay, pick up some DIY Oscomote + root tabs, which you will need. I got about 100 for $5 shipped.

I would also get a black background.

Lastly, what is your tank stocking?
This is kinda random but I suggest adding more water, it looks low
This is what I would do:

Go to home depot and grab a bag of silica sand or pool filter sand. About $8 for 50#. You can also get black diamond blasting sand for the same price. With the blasting sand you cant keep anything like cory cats or loaches.

I'd get rid of the fake decor. Generally with stock lighting you can grow low light plants, which are pretty inexpensive. Anubias, Crypts, Java Fern, Bolboitis (sp), moss, and marimo moss balls. If you don't want live plants, get some natural colored silk ones.

I'd collect some rocks, or go online and buy some driftwood. The right piece will make the tank. You can buy a fairly cheap piece of driftwood on ebay. While on ebay, pick up some DIY Oscomote + root tabs, which you will need. I got about 100 for $5 shipped.

I would also get a black background.

Lastly, what is your tank stocking?

Stock is 2 lyretail guppies, 1 whiteskirt tetra, 1 cobratail guppy, , 1 killy, a pleco and a red eye tetra ( watching for friend)
yes, hard woods are best. Boiling them is a MUST though (I'd do it twice) and I believe they should be hard woods. You can also use large rocks (after cleaning) that you might find.
One of the keys to getting a nice looking set up in a tank is balance and the rule of thirds. Essentially it is how to lay things out so the look pleasing to the eye. This article is a great help, though you have to put in the time to read it. I have successfully mixed plastic and real plants, so if you are on a budget, work with what you have. I do prefer more natural looking plastics though. Also keeping the outside of your aquarium glass clean and streak free can really help. I recommend using vinegar and water because it will not harm your aquarium if a little sneaks in while you're cleaning, or spray your paper towel in a different room and don' go all the way to the top edge to be on the safe side. Really just use vinegar it works great. Hope this helps good luck! You can make really beautiful scapes on a low budget if you look around you and shop smart (thrift stores can be great, if you are patient or lucky!).

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