Ian086's 29g Planted Tank Build

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Glut 50/50 mix. Was adding 20ml, now adding 15ml in the last week. TOO much too little???
that's OS territory, I use excel at .5 ml/gal, I'm still dosing up gradually, I actually just ordered a gallon of metricide because excel is just too darn expensive.. I hope metricide smells the sane though.. I really like the smell if excel in the morning.. Smells like dying algae;) but anyways.. In a tank with your type of lighting (crazy bright) full blast .75ml/gal would prob be the sweet spot.. Again.. OS and rivercats trump any info I have regurgitated this morning..
Hi Guys! IMO it's part of the "new tank blues". New water, new substrate, no bio-film, and plants aren't growing and competing fast enough yet. My new scape is just now starting to settle down. Ian, if you don't have any fish in there yet, overdose your 50:50 Glut to 2 ml per gal for 4 or 5 days. Even if it clouds up. If you have fish, don't. Cut your lights to 5 hrs a day. New plants don't need as much fert at first. Ian with your high NO3 water I would try and not dose NO3 if you are at 10ppm or above. Keep PO4 kinda low too until you see plants growing fast. I'd try for no more than 1 ppm right now. Go really light on traces. 1 ml per 10g. I messed up and put too many root tabs in that first time too. Can't prove it but I bet that was part of my problem. Test NO3 and PO4 about every 3 days so you see what's going on with levels really well. Adjust dosing by what your tests show. Crazy as it seems, 50% WC twice a week for the first two months, if you can, helps keep it down. Always WC right after scraping and cleaning off algae & diatoms. Other than that, it's just a waiting game for the tank to settle down. I wish I knew the magic recipe but I don't. I can just share what I've tried that seemed to help. We need our OTHER AA FRIENDS to offer ideas too. LOL.
Anyway you guys have me sharing in your "misery". OS.
If you like Diatoms and green hair algae(I think). Here you go.....

If you are getting hair algae in a new set up be sure to only run lighting 6 hours or use a siesta period of 3 hours on, 2 off, and 3 hours on. Since algae needs a longer photoperiod for it to grow using a siesta will really help a lot. Another thing is that a new tank set up with new plants needs less nutrients simply because the plants are acclimating and growth isn't really going strong. Between the light and the excess ferts hair algae can be a problem. I personally would also not dose 2ml of Glut for every 1 gallon of water in a fishless tank simply because the clouding caused by the overdose will greatly diminish the light that reaches the plants which are acclimating. Use the 1ml Glut to 1 gallon of water and try going a week or even two without dosing ferts and see if the hair algae goes away. I'd also hit it with hydrogen peroxide.
Took me 7 weeks for diatoms to finally recede maybe because I was doing 90% WC instead of 50. However, still have diatom residuals everywhere. Very hard to remove off HC! Good Luck!

I dose excel heavily. 3ml a day.
Your tank looks great!!! It looks way larger than 29 gallons. What are the dimensions? You did an excellent job. Love the ecru colored wall and the placement of the other deco. It's very well done!!!

I'm using this outlet timer for my lights:


You can set it for: 1/2hr, 3hr, or 6hr.

I'm only giving mine 6 hr total and maybe sometimes another hr at night. I vary between 3+(long break)+3 and 6hrs depending on my activities in the house. The outlet timer is a big help!
Thanks Brook, hopefully i'll only be a guest and not a member!!. I only have a small amount on the Downai, hardly any on the Ludwigia Super Red or AR Mini but loads on the Staurogyne. Are certain plants more prone to algae???

My ludwigia repens and star repens are amongst my best growing plants and dont suffer with algae on them. My AR mini looks horrible at the moment though
Hi Ian, I was adding 15 ml s pure glut for several weeks, then put 6 Zebra Oto s in my 50 g, & one day I realized it was gone! Not sure about the timing ( glut or Oto s), but I ll take it. I m adding 8 mls of pure glut daily now & so far plants are clean. Also, put 3 of the Oto s in my other problem 50g.
If you are getting hair algae in a new set up be sure to only run lighting 6 hours or use a siesta period of 3 hours on, 2 off, and 3 hours on. Since algae needs a longer photoperiod for it to grow using a siesta will really help a lot. Another thing is that a new tank set up with new plants needs less nutrients simply because the plants are acclimating and growth isn't really going strong. Between the light and the excess ferts hair algae can be a problem. I personally would also not dose 2ml of Glut for every 1 gallon of water in a fishless tank simply because the clouding caused by the overdose will greatly diminish the light that reaches the plants which are acclimating. Use the 1ml Glut to 1 gallon of water and try going a week or even two without dosing ferts and see if the hair algae goes away. I'd also hit it with hydrogen peroxide.
Thanks River. I am going to do my WC today on that tank. No hydrogen peroxide on hand. Should I try and clean the leaves and rock wall of the algae??.
When you say no ferts, does that include no Micro too??. Also the 1ml to 1 gallon, do you mean 1ml straight or 1ml 50/50 dose. My lights are now set for the siesta period. Another thing too is, I have the BML XB 6300k Dutch Planted light. I have it set to 50%(using the manual dimmer).....too much???
Thanks Brook, hopefully i'll only be a guest and not a member!!. I only have a small amount on the Downai, hardly any on the Ludwigia Super Red or AR Mini but loads on the Staurogyne. Are certain plants more prone to algae???

The algae club is like the Hotel California. You can step out for a while but you can never leave :hide:
Thanks River. I am going to do my WC today on that tank. No hydrogen peroxide on hand. Should I try and clean the leaves and rock wall of the algae??.
When you say no ferts, does that include no Micro too??. Also the 1ml to 1 gallon, do you mean 1ml straight or 1ml 50/50 dose. My lights are now set for the siesta period. Another thing too is, I have the BML XB 6300k Dutch Planted light. I have it set to 50%(using the manual dimmer).....too much???

Honestly I usually don't bother cleaning them off unless they are on a plant that is easy to do (larger leaves). I just let the nerites take care of it.

No I wouldn't dose. the micro's either. I've done this before with good results when a tank was out of wack or having algae issues. Then when you begin redosing only do 1/2 the amount you normally do for a week or two before getting back on schedule.

That dose is 1ml of diluted Glut to every 1 gallon.

Something else you can consider if the diatoms are really driving you nuts you can get something like PhosGuard and use it only a couple weeks in your filter. It will remove silicates as well as phosphates but once you take it out you can start redosing phosphates and the plants will be fine for those two weeks. Using this would be good when cutting the ferts out.

Using 50% should be fine unless the tank is really shallow. You want some light to get the plants growing. It's always hard to determine the right amount of time in the beginning.
Took me 7 weeks for diatoms to finally recede maybe because I was doing 90% WC instead of 50. However, still have diatom residuals everywhere. Very hard to remove off HC! Good Luck!

I dose excel heavily. 3ml a day.
Just done 50% today. I don't think i'll go any higher than that!!
Your tank looks great!!! It looks way larger than 29 gallons. What are the dimensions? You did an excellent job. Love the ecru colored wall and the placement of the other deco. It's very well done!!!

I'm using this outlet timer for my lights:


You can set it for: 1/2hr, 3hr, or 6hr.

I'm only giving mine 6 hr total and maybe sometimes another hr at night. I vary between 3+(long break)+3 and 6hrs depending on my activities in the house. The outlet timer is a big help!
Thanks Monkeymonk. I had plenty of time to get the layout to my likely. I don't know what 'category' it falls in.....Ian's Style maybe....haha.
It does actually look bigger than 29g, even in person. It's 36" long x 15" wide X 15" high.

My ludwigia repens and star repens are amongst my best growing plants and dont suffer with algae on them. My AR mini looks horrible at the moment though
Funny my(or your) AR mini is not affected by it at all, the only one. Although my Ludwigia Super Red only has a TINY bit...

Hi Ian, I was adding 15 ml s pure glut for several weeks, then put 6 Zebra Oto s in my 50 g, & one day I realized it was gone! Not sure about the timing ( glut or Oto s), but I ll take it. I m adding 8 mls of pure glut daily now & so far plants are clean. Also, put 3 of the Oto s in my other problem 50g.
I'll stick with the dose River recommended, I'd be stupid to ignore that advice!!!. It's way to early for oto's in my tank but I do plan some in about 6mths. Maybe I should order them now, she(LFS) might have them by then!!

The algae club is like the Hotel California. You can step out for a while but you can never leave :hide:
I like it, not the algae but the analogy(y)(y)
Honestly I usually don't bother cleaning them off unless they are on a plant that is easy to do (larger leaves). I just let the nerites take care of it.

No I wouldn't dose. the micro's either. I've done this before with good results when a tank was out of wack or having algae issues. Then when you begin redosing only do 1/2 the amount you normally do for a week or two before getting back on schedule.

That dose is 1ml of diluted Glut to every 1 gallon.

Something else you can consider if the diatoms are really driving you nuts you can get something like PhosGuard and use it only a couple weeks in your filter. It will remove silicates as well as phosphates but once you take it out you can start redosing phosphates and the plants will be fine for those two weeks. Using this would be good when cutting the ferts out.

Using 50% should be fine unless the tank is really shallow. You want some light to get the plants growing. It's always hard to determine the right amount of time in the beginning.
I dosed 30ml 50/50 glut after the water change, switch the lights to include the siesta. Didn't dose any ferts at all. Will have a look for that phosguard. The tank is 15" deep, so light should be ok at 50%??. I know it's too early for oto's but how about some Nitrites??
Hi Guys! IMO it's part of the "new tank blues". New water, new substrate, no bio-film, and plants aren't growing and competing fast enough yet. My new scape is just now starting to settle down. Ian, if you don't have any fish in there yet, overdose your 50:50 Glut to 2 ml per gal for 4 or 5 days. Even if it clouds up. If you have fish, don't. Cut your lights to 5 hrs a day. New plants don't need as much fert at first. Ian with your high NO3 water I would try and not dose NO3 if you are at 10ppm or above. Keep PO4 kinda low too until you see plants growing fast. I'd try for no more than 1 ppm right now. Go really light on traces. 1 ml per 10g. I messed up and put too many root tabs in that first time too. Can't prove it but I bet that was part of my problem. Test NO3 and PO4 about every 3 days so you see what's going on with levels really well. Adjust dosing by what your tests show. Crazy as it seems, 50% WC twice a week for the first two months, if you can, helps keep it down. Always WC right after scraping and cleaning off algae & diatoms. Other than that, it's just a waiting game for the tank to settle down. I wish I knew the magic recipe but I don't. I can just share what I've tried that seemed to help. We need our OTHER AA FRIENDS to offer ideas too. LOL.
Anyway you guys have me sharing in your "misery". OS.
Thanks OS. I'm going to try what River suggested, please don't be offended. How can we argue with the plant queen....lol
Right so I tried removing as much of the Diatoms as possible, used my Aqueon WC. I know it looks like I didn't do a good job but there was a lot more than there is now. It's very tricky removing it from the small leaves without damaging them. I have new growth everywhere. The Staurogyne is the most affected by the Diatoms, so when I get enough growth, maybe trim and replant, discarding the original or leave as is????. Here some pictures.....


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No problem here. She's a lot more experienced than I am. I am just SO glad she's back more. My glut may be getting weak. Even though it's in the dark, it's about 1.5 years old. I'm dosing 13 ml of pure Glut daily to about 25g of actual water and not getting any clouding as I fight GSA & GDA. It's knocking it away. I'm trying only 5 hrs a day light but my red plants are losing their red so I need to up it back to six. River's suggestion about the Phos-guard for your diatoms sounds great!
Yes you can use nerites now. I actually put them in new tanks to keep the diatoms that do form at bay. The 50% light should be fine but you may notice that your plants don't red up as much as they will once you can use high light. Don't worry that they aren't as red now just as long as they look good. A phosphate remover really sounds like it will help you a lot. Just be sure not to use it more than 2 weeks.
Yes you can use nerites now. I actually put them in new tanks to keep the diatoms that do form at bay. The 50% light should be fine but you may notice that your plants don't red up as much as they will once you can use high light. Don't worry that they aren't as red now just as long as they look good. A phosphate remover really sounds like it will help you a lot. Just be sure not to use it more than 2 weeks.
Thanks River. Once I get the diatoms and algae under control, what would you recommend running the light at. It's the XB Dutch 6300k. I don't plan on running Co2, not in the foreseeable future anyway. I will pick some Nerites on Thursday. Would 5 be ok??
Thanks River. Once I get the diatoms and algae under control, what would you recommend running the light at. It's the XB Dutch 6300k. I don't plan on running Co2, not in the foreseeable future anyway. I will pick some Nerites on Thursday. Would 5 be ok??

I certainly wouldnt think of running it at 100% any time soon if you have no co2. Might find you get yourself a green blanket over everything lol
I certainly wouldnt think of running it at 100% any time soon if you have no co2. Might find you get yourself a green blanket over everything lol
That's what I was thinking. I only got the XB series to future proof it, if i ever decide to go the Co2 in the future....which is pretty likely.
I was just browsing an online fish store, looking for some fish stock and came by these guys, Galaxy Rasbora - "Microrasbora sp. "Galaxy". Anyone know much about them or have experience with them. Would they suit my set-up and planned stocked.....
Julis x 6
Neons x15
Serpae Tetra x 6
German Blue Rams x 1m/2f
Guppies x 4 males
Nitrite Snails
Penguin Tetras x 5
Apistogramma cacatuoides-super red(instead of the German Blue Rams???)


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Those are celestial pearl danios, they're not going to like a temp above 75-76..
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