ich question

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 19, 2003
my new yellow tang got a case of ich, or black spot disease. i have since given him a freshwater bath, quarintined him and treated him for ich. he looks awesome already. i am just wondering if i need to do anything to the main tank before i put him back in it. i plan on having him quarintined for 2 weeks. water is perfect in the main tank.
Ammonia = 0 ppm
Nitrite = 0 ppm
Nitrate = 10 ppm
SG = 1.022
Any fish removed from the main display tank for treatment of a parasite should be left in the QT for a good 4 weeks. This allows the parasite in the display tank do die off naturally without the benefit of a fish host for food.

If there are fish in the display, keep tabs on everything to ensure there are no other casualties. If so, all fish should be placed in quarantine and treated. As long as the parasite has a fish to infest, the cycle of the parasite will continue.

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