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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 9, 2010
Alpine Ca
I have a planted 60 gallon with guppies, mollies, platys, swords, a panda cory and several shrimp. ( 2 ghost, 1 cherry and 2 amano). I am having an outbreak of ick starting. Some spotting on several fish and a lot of flashing. I am raising the temp but can I salt? What med will work without killing the shrimp or plants?
You can just go the heat method. Raise it slowly to 86*F for 10 days. Make sure you add an extra air stone or something though, because warmer water has less oxygen. :)
Yep, raised the temp to 86 yesterday and added some salt. Fish and inverts appear ok. Only 1 fish out of way too many had symptoms visible. Most including fry were flashing at times.
Salt at 0.3% (level needed to kill ich) will kill most plants ..... you might just stick with heat in a planted tank. <If the fishies are really sick, I would remove them (or the plants) and treat with salt + heat.>
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