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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 11, 2012
York, PA
I was browsing through craigslist looking for another tank for fry when I came across someone selling their 20 gallon aquarium set up. They just bought it from petco a couple months ago and kept having problems so they were selling it. The picture made it obvious as to why they were having so many problems. It was very overstocked with all kinds of fish that don't belong together. I emailed the seller and offered to take this little fish off their hands they agreed. When I got there I also noticed a beaten up yellow lab and an oscar I took them too (the oscar is now living with a friend of mine). I just got my poor fish home and into quarantine. I can't make a definitive decision on what this one is. Does anyone have any ideas???


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When he settled down his stripes are a bit lighter. He is kinda purplish gray. His top fin is almost red.
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