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Thank you Pete. Could the second one be a bubble tip anemone or is that the same thing as the bubble coral?
Your tank looks a little young for an anemone. You need strong lighting and good water parameters for them to thrive.
My tank is young, just two months old. I'm only starting to add my first clown this week. Guy at lfs told me it was ok to keep, easy to care for.
I'd take the nem back. That is to young of a system for it. What is your lighting?
What size is the tank? That light could be strong enough depending on the size. The other issue is the maturity of the tank. A 2 month tanks parameters fluctuate much more than say an 8 month old tank.!
Small tank, 15G and 12"deep. At the moment I have 2 of those e27 LEDs and from what I read looks like its enough. I plan on having 2 clowns and a goby which I will get 1 at a time over a month. The bubble anemone was supposed to be for the clowns then a few easy to keep mushrooms, leather fingers and polyps. Parameters are all good, checked every two days. Ill do water changes of about 15% weekly. Sound ok?
Maybe, just remember these organisms are almost immortal. Only time will tell if your tank can mature fast enough to maintain it. Also, if you're getting ocellaris clowns it is very doubtful your clowns will host it. Most tank raised clowns take forever to host it. Also, I'd do 20-30% water changes weekly to keep parameters in check with 3 fish in there
Will do, thanks bribe.

Can I get any supplements for anemone? Could you recommend some nice easy to keep corals or similar?
Just keep the water clean. There are no supplements for anemones but they do eat meaty foods. A tiny piece of fish or shrimp once or twice a week won't hurt. Just make sure it's very small in comparison to the anemone.
Thanks mr.x. I did try put a piece of shrimp but it didn't take it. Shrimp just falls off. I'll wait a couple more days and try again. Funny thing is it doesn't seem to want to stay put, keeps moving all over the tank
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