ideas for 10 gallon comm

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 20, 2005
i have a 10 gal that i have been using as a hosp tank in my daughters room i have now decided to take her to the lfs tomorrow and let her pick out some fish. she is 12 and extremly responsible (mom will be helping though). any recommendations for a good community set up or her age and tank size
cories, dwarf gouramis, a male betta, female bettas, phantom tetras, neon tetras, african dwarf frogs, fire-bellied newts (ok, the newts aren't exactly "community" friendly), ghost shrimp, a pair of german blue rams...

okay, not all those fish can go together but it is worth taking a look at them all and decided what kinds your daughter likes, how much she is willing to put into the tank (cleaning), and who is compatible with who. HTH!!!
I actually got a dwarf gourami today for my 10 gallon :mrgreen: I've always wanted one but my tanks we always too "fast paced" for them. I tried once but he didn't eat for a week so I took him back because I was afraid he would starve.
I would try a small school of neons and small danios (zebra, blue, etc)

Either that or some guppies. (Stick with just males or you'll have, er, more than you bargained for.)
sirBubbly said:
dont zebra danios need more room than just a ten gallon?

I'm fairly certain they don't need any more room than neons do, and neons are fine in a 10 gal.
Danios are fast bullet type fish. I wouldn't keep them in a 10 gallon, personally, because I don't think it gives them enough room to swim fast.

A school of cories is a great idea, get at least 3, 4-5 would be better. If you go with a dwarf gourami only get one.....a ten gallon is small for that fish as well but one would probably be okay. I would stay away from the neons cause they aren't always that hardy and seem to sometimes die off easy forcing you to constantly replace them to keep up a good school. A betta usually does great with cories.....but every once in awhile you get one so mean it can't live with anything. And a betta will also limit fish choices in the future.

I would definitely get the corys and maybe a school of some hardier tetras. Definitely avoid tiger barbs & sharks. If you see something you like but aren't sure about look it up in a book. The fish stores usually sell fish identification books and you don't have to buy one(though it would be a wise investment) you can just use it to check on a fish you are unsure about. This is generally more reliable then just trusting an employee you don't know.
i have danios in my 10 gallon but i do agree that they need more swimming room because they swim like crazy, definetly get some cories and some guppies

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