Ideas for fish to inhabit the upper layer of my tank

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 17, 2005
Elk Grove, CA
Now that my 90 Gal tall (36 x 18 x 30 tall) is planted and cycled, I am looking at fish for a community aquarium. My initial stock list is something like this:

Boesemani Rainbow - 2
Praecox Rainbow - 2
Krib - 1
GBR - 1
Bolivian Ram - 1
Blue Gouramis - 2
Congo Tetras - 5
Otos - 3
Corys - 3

I am looking for a small (5-8) school of fish to inhabit the upper tank layer. I had thought about some sort of Rasbora.

Any ideas?


Thanks for the info on the Rasboras. I had thought about Hatchets, but was looking for a more colorful variety. I none can be found, then hatchets it is! What about Danios?

Any glaring issues with my current list?


Thanks for the information Jason. Adding more of those beautiful fish shouldn't be hard to justify! :D

Hey Jason,
I thought I was limited to only around 54 inches of fish, owing to the fact that my tank is a 90 gal tall, and has the surface area of more like a 55 gallon tank. I was using the surface area divided by 12 rule. Adding in the 6 hatchets, that puts me around 48", leaving a little, but not a lot, more room, based on the rule. I would love to add more fish, if the rule I am using is too strict, or incorrect. :D


I would bump up the number of cories. With just three in a large tank, they may really become reclusive. I would go with a minimum of 7 or 8 to really be able to enjoy their fun antics. If you're worried about space, you can get one of the smaller types that don't get larger than an inch or two.
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