I'll take some of your finest, cheapest fish please...

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 1, 2006
What are your favorite inexpensive fish?

Inexpensive is relative, so if you normally buy Discus, Cichlids are okay to add to the list if they seem inexpensive to you. I'm curious to see what kinds of fish people like to pick up in bundles, because of price.
The cheapest fish is livebears. Buy one pregant female platy/guppy for $1-$2, within one month you have 20+. lol.
The cheapest fish that I hae ever bought would have to be Zebra Danios. I got to Petsmart and pick them up for 49 cents each and they are awesome fish and since they are so cheap I buy like 20 and they act so natural and cool in the numbers and breed like crazy!
I saw Rasboras for 99 cents each. I don't recall what type they were, but they were schooling and small. I thought it would be really cool to fill a large tank with nothing but those fish.
White cloud frys (sold as feeders) for 10 cents each. You can get a school of 20 or 30 for a few bucks.
My Marble Hatchets were $3.99 each and I love them. I also got some gold, long-fin Danios for $.99 at Petsmart and while they act like they are on crack, they are nice looking fish.
buy 2 doz feeder guppies... add 3 fancy male guppies... mix well and let nature take its course....:)
I'm used to buying Africans with an average price tag of $12 to $15 each so I was shocked when I started buying community fish at $3 each. My favorite would be my Angels.
I buy SW fishies and I got a PJ cardinal for $14 and a o. clown for free! now thats cheap! lol

but FW wise.... bolivian ram for $3.99
I scored a Bolivian last Saturday for $1.75. The person who bagged it must have written down the wrong code because they were supposed to be $6...another cichlid in the tank were the ones on sale. :) I should've bought 3! He/She (not sure yet) is so pretty! Definitely my fav inexpensive fish.
Well... I am a dedicated fishaholic and Canadian. I guess we Canuckleheads do pay more even for the fish you all call cheap. But my personal favorites are Tiger Barbs They usually come in around $5 a fish unless some wild sale is on, Ruby's are even higher but they are so nice and I like LARGE groupings so ....CA-CHING! LOL.
I agree Fynnie fish up here are alot more expensive :? It kinda sucks for us and makes me mad when I hear people buy fish so cheap and I just sit and sulk :cry: I wonder why this is the case? Border fees maybe?
I went back and visited that LFS that I wrote about earlier. Harlequin Rasbora are 99 cents each. Tiger Barbs are $2.00 even. Freshwater fish are buy three, get one free.

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