I'm back 5.5g reef

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 29, 2011
Deerfield NH
I'm back!!!

My clown and featherduster are still alive, but my zoas disapeared!!!
How can they be there and in a hour they're gone!:confused: It's weird and creepy they can still be in my room and watching me planning to attack.:hide:
The 92g corner was $500, I didn't buy it because wasn't worth the price.
My clown is evil because he killed my goby, damsel, 2 peppermint shrimp, 5 green chromis's, and a coral banded shrimp.
I am living in a temorary rental home until the house is built.
It sucked that I didn't get the 92 corner, but when i went down to the basement there was a brand new 72 bow front tank wth 2 new filters, a heater, an air pump, and some ornaments for FREE!!!:brows:
I got a new light for my 5.5g tank and a new powerhead. I replaced the 10w with a 100w heater and the 2 filters with a emporer 400 filter.
I had a anemone but it got to big so I sold it.
that's the stuff that happened after my last thread.
Sorry I haven't replied in awhile. I haven't because I have been busy with school, work, drivers ED and my clown decided to jump out and died. But in a week or so I plan to get 10 gallon.
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