I'm back, and have two more fish...

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 8, 2003
Shakopee, MN
First of all, I'm sorry I haven't been around much, but I've been really busy working on my sites and trying to get some more off the ground, so I've been busy...

Today, I got two gold chinese algae eaters. They seem to be doing a good job keeping my tank clean. I'm real glad I got them, wont have to scrape my tank down as much now.
Keep a close eye on those two Chinese Alage eaters. They tend to get lazy about eating algae as they get older. They also often become very aggressive when they get large. They have been known to rasp scales off the sides of other fish in the tank. For algae control, I would go with (depending on tank size) either an ancistrus catfish or a school of otocinclus dats. These are good cleaners and will not get aggressive. JMHO. Glad to see you're back with us...understand about the being busy.
I have one in my 55 who is about 4" long right now. He doesn't eat much algae anymore, but as far as I can tell, isn't bothering the other fish...yet. According to my sources, they can get about 5.5-6" long in the aquarium. Quote from "Aquarium Fishes of the World" by Dr. Herbert Axelrod is as follows: "It has been observed also that it is not entirely loath to use its mouth to attack itself to other fishes in the tank...not a very endearing trait"
I had two, and one mysteriously died. The survivor often tried to swim after other fish to try to rasp their sides; luckily they always got away. I hate to admit that I wasn't exactly remorseful when he passed away! He was gone before he got to an unmanagable size, but even as it was, he was a bother. I'd try to return them or sell them back if I were you, but that's just my opinion . . . if they're near and dear and wortht he trouble, then don't bother. Hopefully it all works out for the best, though, in any situation.
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