Info for a 10 gallon feeder-breeding tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 12, 2004
Wisconsin Rapids,WI
I think the title is quite self-explanatory. i would be breeding those $.26 comet goldfish. what plants would i need, what should the temperature be, what plants should i use, what substrate.....etc.?
what will you be feeding? Goldfish aren't the easiest to breed, and a ten gallon would be too small in my opinoin.

If your breeding to feed to other fish, why not breed guppies, there alot easier and will grow and breed faster.

But if you do have your mind set on breeding goldfish Im sure someone else here can help you.
I second the Guppies... Or Platies... or any of the livebearers that breed like rabbits.
I might go for a 20 gal though. Are you planning on leaving the adults and fry together in a open tank or breeding nets for the fry? How you breed-n-rear'em will decide your setup needs.
If you need the larger size fish (goldfish) I'd just go with platies...if they don't have to be very big than guppies would be my personal choice (just get some common guppies, put lots of plants in the tank, sponge over the filter inlet, and let them breed like crazy).
I don't think you can breed goldfish in a 10gal. Mollies are another good option to guppies and platies, and they can get quite large.
they don't need to be large. i think i'll go with guppies. i've bred them before. Patryuji:in my experience the parents will immediately eat the fry so a breeder net is a must if i am to breed these things successfully, do you think i absolutely need one or not?. does anyone have info on breeding rosy reds?
My females Platys are always pregnant but I never see any fry in the tank because they get eaten so fast :( Next time I get one ready to pop, I am going to stick it in a breeder net and see how that goes.

Anyway, run the 10g tank barebottom for the Guppies and use a couple sponger filters for filtration. Keeping the tank barebottom makes it much easier to clean. Put some Java Moss in the tank so the fy will have places to hide. Not sure what the optimal temp for raising and breeding Guppies is, so someone else can help with that.
what about breeding killies? i went out to buy some feeder guppies and they practicly gave me newborn fish... but anyway i think they gave me some sort of baby killies. maybe they gave me some endlers ,i don't know. too young to tell. once they're grown i'll know for sure. info on breeding killies or endlers would be appreciated here.
Killies are mop spawners and not as easy as guppies and platies to breed. Roseys I believe are a type of comet and I imagine will be just as difficult to breed as feeder goldies. They also get to be about three inches and you wouldn't be able to keep many in a 10. I used to do trades with a guy who bred goldfish. He said the trick was they had to be two years old and have lots of water flow to get them to spawn. Don't know how true that is since I've never tried it but, getting them to spawn in a ten gallon tank seems very unlikely. Endlers are easy enough to breed. Just add water. :D
You could put one single male swordtail and 3 female swords as well. The sword fry tend to be a little bigger then the guppies and IMO, have a better survival rate.

My guppies will drop fry and immediately turn around and eat them. With my sword, she doesn't seem to care.

And if you are looking for something to get bigger and move later on to a bigger tank, I would go with the swords. My female sword is over 2 inches from head to tail and is always dropping fry. Since I got her from my friend last June, she has given me a batch of fry every month.

Good Luck!
What exactly are you going to feed these fry to. Livebearers drop their young all the time. It does however, take alot of time and space to raise them to what might be considered "feeder" size.
let me see..... 1 needlenose fish/gar, 1 tsn,and a 1 hijueta fish/gar for sure. maybe a pacu, a tire track and spiny eel, and a senegalus bichir if they'll eat em.
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