Info on angels please?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 19, 2011
It's a quick ask on what the minimum tank sizes are for a pair and what tank mates they do best with?
In my opinon, having had many pairs of angels, for juveniles a 29gal would be minimum, but 40 or 55 would be great! My angels got very large in my 55gal. Many fish are good tankmates, usually more placid species are better and I have read many reports that adults will eat tetras or any fish small enough to get in their mouth. I kept mine w/cherry barbs, blue rams, albino pleco and african feather fin catfish. Good luck.
I have four angels in a 155 gallon tank with about twenty red tail rasboras and five Cory catfish.
They're all fine so far!
I have 4 angels in a 60 gallon tank myself. I keep them with neon tetras and they get along great. I know a lot of people would discourage keeping them with neons but I've yet to have a problem. I also keep corys, otos, dwarf gouramis, mollies, rainbows and rasboras with the angels. I would be careful keeping rainbows with angels because they can be fin nippers. I have a lot of hiding places so I haven't had any problems yet.
If you are talking about a mated, spawning pair, then some people keep them in 20 tall with no other tankmates.
If you are just talking about 2 angel raised from juveniles, I would recommend about 40g. IMO, a 29 can work, but it depends on the temperment of the angels, so with a 40 you have a greater chance of them getting along even if they do not pair up. :)
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