Interested in Aragonite?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 19, 2004
St. Paul, MN
I am looking at ordering a half-pallet of aragonite sand for a group of people. Is anyone interested in getting in on the order? I need people to speak for about 15 bags by 4-19-04 to do this.

Depending on the number of people, the total price including shipping should be $20/bag for aquarium grade aragonite. THIS IS NOT SOUTHDOWN FROM HD. Regular price on this stuff is about $25-30 per bag.

I live in Oakdale, MN right where 94 & 694 meet on the East side of the cities. You pick up from my place. Reply if you are interested.
How many lbs are in one bag? i am looking for about 120 for my 46 gal and about another 30 for my 12. and that is sand right not CC. what size sand is it?
Each bag is 40 lbs.

They say it's about 90lbs per cubic foot. There's several sandbed calculators on the web that you can input your dimensions and that 90lbs/CF to see what you want.
oh that is fine and just as a heads up i think it is only me and you who have SW tanks in MN i have tryed to find others people on this board to do some frag tradeing but every one in MN have fw tanks
WarOrks15, Can you PM me your Address & Phone #?

I am going to place the order in the next day or two. I have you down for buying 4 - 40lb bags of aragonite @ $20 each.

Yup, I did get it.

I ordered the sand and it should be Friday the 30th. I'll post here again when I get it for sure to let you know you can come pick it up.
The sand made it to the regional shipping warehouse on friday night after hours. The shipping company called yesterday morning to setup a final delivery window. I have a home delivery date setup for wednesday AM, so Whenever you want to pick up after that, should be OK.

I typically work until 4:00/4:30pm and go to bed around 10:30-midnight. Here's some tentatively available pickup dates for you to choose from

Wed (4-28) - after 5:00
Thurs (4-29) -after 5:00
Saturday (5-1) - Morning
Sunday (5-2) - Evening

These are just some suggestions I have open the rest of the week. Next week works too if you can't make it soon. PM me with when you want to stop by so I can make sure I am there.

If nothing else you could pay me with paypal and then I'd just leave your bags behind my garage for pickup at your convenience.
friday work? i do not have school then and would be abel to pick it up any time during the day. if not i think this weekend might work but i really dont know. i will find out tonight and send you a pm
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