Introduction: Lets talk bettas?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 4, 2013
I have a new(ish) betta I brought home from Petsmart or Petco I don't remmeber. I looked through batches of bettas to find this beautiful little guy. He is a Halfmoon Twintail (wrongly labled as just a plain twintail, discount!). He is active and healthy, but not hyper. He is shy and not aggressive. He's made two big bubble nests in 3 days and is only slightly protective when I'm putting my camera phone up to his nest to snap a picture.

These bubble nests tempt me to want to see if a female betta will work? Its a 1.5 gal tank with heater and filter. I don't have water test strips (sorry lack of funds) but I do water changes regularly and the tank is cycled by now.

Also, my bettas fins are clear all around the edges, a color triat I've never seen before! I think it's lovely! Have you ever seen that type of coloration????? Do tell!

Another side note, my betta's (pectoral?) fins are rolled up and curled from his shelf life, but seem to be getting better, I assume theres not much I can do about that specifically.

Oh, and I feed him "Wardley Shrimp Pellets" (sinkers, aren't I mean to him? ha) because the first three ingredients are wheat bleh, shrimp, than fish which I think is better than wheat, soybean, filler food that is labled for bettas. What do you think?

Thats all, thanks for readin' and replying :)



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