Is my aquarium over-stocked???

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 17, 2013
I have a 215L (57 US gal) planted freshwater tank and I think it might be overstocked. The ammonia and nitrite levels are both at zero, and the fish all have plenty of room to swim around, but still I just want to make sure its not overstocked.... I have...
14 x Neon tetras
6 x Glowlight tetras
3 x Long-fin spotted danios
6 x Rummynose tetras
4 x Harlequins
3 x Glass bloodfin tetras
2 x Baby platties
3 x Mollies
2x Congo tetras
4x Red fin tetras
3 x Golden algae eaters
2 (or 3, they are good at hiding) x kuhli loaches
1 x peppered corey
1x rainbow shark

could someone please help :cool:
If I'm not mistaken you have 54 fish in there. That is wwwaaaaayyyyyyyy overstocked. You would need at least an 100+ gallon tank to hold all of them, if not more.
Have you checked
They seem a little on the conservative side, but it's a good guideline.
Welcome to AA,

I don't think your overstocked, although I'd recommend removing the 3 golden algae eaters since they become large, useless, and boisterous. Then I'd actually add more fish, specificity increasing your cory count to 5-7 and possibly filling into your smaller tropical schools.
I would also remove the shark. The bioload of the other fish is other words they aren't big poopers. If the fish you had were messier, I wouldn't keep that many in there. The golden algae eaters as adults are a pain and they quit eating algae.
Looks way over stocked to me. I wouldn't add any more fish if it were my tank.
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