Is my cherry barb sick?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 25, 2014
I just fed them, I have 4 cherry barbs, 2 males and 2 females. One of the females is just sitting at the bottom of the tank. It looks like its just gasping and having trouble swimming :(


She looks really fat. Could she be bloated?

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Chance of recovery at this stage is slim.
Usaully bloat(dropsy) is from water parameters being off or high dissolved organics.
It becomes bacterial in nature but often acts like a virus in that by the time you see the symptoms it is too late to perform effective treatment.
It is not often contagious but more an indicator that something is not right in the tank.
Something is not right in the tank!
Look into Epsom salt for bloat if you want to try to cure(you don't have long IMO).
Sorry about your barb.
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