Is my stock ok?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 12, 2012
Have started afresh with a planted freshwater 25gallon tall tank! Cycled for 2 weeks few plant some ferns n others (not sure of names) on soil n gravel substrate.

17 neon tetras
3 Cory cats
1 ghost shrimp ( other one dead 2nd day)

Having algae on my decorations! Is stock ok? What else can I add?
I'm new with live plants so how do I add CO2 ? What about fertilizers?
That might be too much too add at once. I wouldn't add anymore fish for a while untill you see what happens. I would recommend doing alot of reading about CO2 and Ferts before you start. There is a ton of info on here regarding those topics and I would read it all. Then start your experiment and be patient with it. It doesn't come together over night. Good Luck!!
I cycled fish less for 2 weeks n add the stock on the 3rd week.
I want to give the tank full green look with lot of plants n moss but moss is out of stock in kuwait pet-shops....

Hoping to be patient .... But the excitement is curious!!!
For co2 I use a paintball system with a solenoid and pH controller in my 20 gallon. Most people will recommend you go with a 5# co2 tank but it really depends on how much space you have in your stand and how convenient it it to refill either paintball or standard co2 cylinders. Luckily I have a store one block from my house that offers paintball services. If you use a hang on power filter the 5# co2 tank might last you a year or more on your 25 gallon while the smaller paintball cylinder should last about 3-6 months between charges.
I cycled fish less for 2 weeks n add the stock on the 3rd week.
I want to give the tank full green look with lot of plants n moss but moss is out of stock in kuwait pet-shops....

Hoping to be patient .... But the excitement is curious!!!

I only mentioned that about the fish because i cycled mine for a month and them added 10 fish and I lost half of them. I Had to learn the whole bioload thing the hard way. Now I just add a couple every 2 weeks.

I'm using a 5# cylinder and a simple glass diffuser running at 1 BPS on a 50 Gal and mine works fine.

I would do the research on dry ferts that you can dose dry or mix if you want. Thats the most cost effective way in the long run.

It took me a good 2 months before I was able to get the fert dosing, light and co2 all in balance. I had mega algae problems in the begining but after continually reading and researching and people here answering my dumb questions I finally got it all balanced.

Now I have more plants then I know what to do with:)
Fishless cycling should take around 2 months, not two weeks, unless the tank was seeded.

Cories are going to want a bit bigger group (maybe up to 5-6).

Your other questions are largely dependent on your light.
check to make sure the ammonia, nitrates, etc are all fine before adding your fish if you plan on adding them all at once.
Pls load Ur aquarium photos !!

Will research my part!

Presently all stocks are healthy. N fingers crossed hope they will remain so!

I love the high and low sand and stone piles you got going on there. Funny how putting in some thought and energy into just the sand can make even a new tank so much more interesting to look at. Nice going!
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