Is there such a thing as too much? (CUC)

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 11, 2011
Planet Earth
Wrote to a company I believe it was reef cleaners. Sent them pictures and a link to my YouTube video. Actually was paid a nice compliment, telling me my tank looked really clean and nicely set up. Anyway, they suggested a huge CUC at least to me it was. It was a total of 30 snails ( I don't remember the complete breakdown) 4 shrimp, 20 assorted hermits and 3 serpent star fish. Price is right but sounds like an awful lot. I even wrote back to cut it down but they wrote back saying they would go with the suggested CUC....

Your thoughts? I have a crew already buy was looking to add to it. They wrote and said at night you want your glass crawling with snails and that you also want a bunch of Nass snails that will sift through the sand. Also mentioned sand sifters but my harlequin will make a quick meal of them.
You can have too many cuc. They will die off if not fed. I have 1 hermit and 1 snail. That's all I can keep alive.
I've ordered from reefcleaners a few times, what I do is order a crew for HALF the size of the tank. And even then it's alot usually. LOL

You can in fact have too much cuc unless of course you really like them, if you want a lot of them just feed them and treat them like one of your fish. :)

I happen to LOVE nassarius snails so I have like 40 in my 125g, I feed the tank pellets for them to come up and eat, so I feed them like I do my fish. they are there to enjoy and not necessarily to "clean up" stuff.
Ok thanks everyone. This is what they suggest for my tank. I sent them pictures and told them when I started the tank.

20 Dwarf Ceriths
10 Nassarius
12 Florida Ceriths
4 Large Nerites, 5 Small to Medium Nerites

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