Is there such thing as a muppy?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 7, 2012
We have a male guppy in which will not leave our white molly alone, is this because shes about to lay eggs?
I think they will breed together, not 100% though.

On another note, Mollies are livebearers which means will birth live fish (fry).
Thank you thats interesting, how long do they normally carry for? We only think this because all the male guppies are following her around the tank but are not bullying
Livebearers usually have a gestation period ( how long they stay in the mum for ) of about 28 days. It is possible they could breed together since they are both livebearers :)
Samzter said:
Livebearers usually have a gestation period ( how long they stay in the mum for ) of about 28 days. It is possible they could breed together since they are both livebearers :)

Just because they are livebearers does not mean they can breed together. There are lots of livebearers species.
From what I understand, these are the most common cross breeding situations.
Mollie's x guppies
Platys x swordtails
Guppiesx endlers
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