Is this a Aiptasia?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 18, 2002
Greenlawn NY
I thought this was an aiptasia, but my two clowns won't leave it behind (as my clark's won't leave his long tentacle.) Is this an aiptasia or something different?


Sure looks like one to me. I get to kill over 50 every month in my tank. Dang things are like roaches. If you see one, you have 1000 of them hiding somewhere.
Too true! I wipe them out as I see them with Joe's Juice, but this one is in the back of the tank and I didn't see it until I noticed the two clowns all over it....I would feel very guilty killing this on off :twisted:
The best way to keep Aiptasia under control and to get rid of them that I have found and use myself is Pepermint Shrimp
I agree with Ducky, I have 2 peppermint shrimp in my 75 gal and they have eaten every aiptasia I have ever brought home but have not messed with anything else (polyps, shrooms, sponges, or other anemone looking critters on the rock). They eat mysis shrimp also so no worries after they eat all the "weeds"
Easy for you, not for me. With the preditors I have in my tank, I would need a Peppermint Shrimp the size of a 2 pound lobster.
joes juice works its kind of fun to just watch them disapear in front of you also not all peperment shrimp will eat them
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