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Aquarium Advice Freak
May 18, 2003
I just did my weekly w/c on my 6gal/23ltr tank which is in it's 6th week of cycling.

Before changing the water I took a sample for testing.

The results as follows
Ammonia: 0.19ppm
Nitrite: 0.00ppm
pH: 7.1pH

3 days ago I had done my water tests and the results were
Ammonia: 0.29ppm
Nitrite: 0.07ppm
pH: 7.1pH

Is this normal for both the ammonia and the nitrite levels to drop?

No problems with the tank just curious to know if this is normal for a cycling tank.

Louise 8)
hi, when your ammonia and nitrite levels return to zero that is when your tank is fully cycled ,it lookes like your tank is nearly fully cycled, keep testing untill it has zero ammonia and nitrites and then you can get into routine testing probably every 2. to 3 weeks untill your tank maturesand settles.keep up with regular water changes to keep your nitrates down to an acceptable level. what fish do you have in you tank to cycle? pebbles :)
Thanks Jackie, I was hoping this was the case but assumed that the levels dropped at different times to one another due to the slow maturation of the bacteria. I am excited and releived if this is an indication that the cycle is nearing completion as I have learned about tropical tanks through starting this one. (and no loss of fish).

I have 5 cardnal tetras and 1 clown loach in there with a lge piece of driftwood, 2 potted crypts, a java fern and a anubias plus 2 plastic planta and a bubble wall. They are a very happy little community, often swimming together amongst the plants. The colouring is bright and deep on all of them.

I have a photo of the tank in my gallery which was taken last weekend.

Thanks for your info :D
Just tested the water tonight with the following results:

Ammonia: 0.17ppm
Nitrite: 0.06ppm
pH: 7.1pH

I believe this is normal for a cycle. :?: :!: The ammonia has spiked and is now dropping, the bacteria has converted it to nitrite indicated by the slow increase in level.

Well I hope so. I am keen to get a bristlenose catfish to maintain any algae growth.

The ammonia has spiked and is now dropping, the bacteria has converted it to nitrite indicated by the slow increase in level.

This would be correct. When the ammonia starts to fall, you know that the bacteria that converts ammonia to nitrite is getting a handle on the bioload. BTW, you have one accurate test kit to get those kinds of readings. Mine doesn't even start measuring ammonia until it is .25ppm.
Thanks Biggen, Yes my husband owns a company that import and distribute water analysis equipment which I am lucky to have access to a colorimeter and a pH meter :p

Louise :D
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