Java moss

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aqua hobbyist

Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 6, 2012

does it need a flueroscent bulb
does it need co2
does it need ferts
Can I plant it on mopani wood

ARE THEY HARD TO GROW AND HOW MUCH LIGHT, do they do well with anubias
aqua hobbyist said:

does it need a flueroscent bulb
does it need co2
does it need ferts
Can I plant it on mopani wood

ARE THEY HARD TO GROW AND HOW MUCH LIGHT, do they do well with anubias

Java moss requires low light to anything above that I'd say it's the easiest plant to keep it grows on it's own and easily you can attach it to the wood no co2 or ferts required
And they do well with anubias
Would I need to tie a string around the java miss onto the mopani wood?
It would be best. Or get a rock and weigh it down and it will take root in a few months
the light is a standard 15 watt, and I thought they didn't need fert and co2
if I get a co2 injector, will it need to be replaced later, I'm new to planted tanks, starting out with the low techs
What does 6500k stand for though, what does the "K" stand for??confused?
You cannot kill java moss. I broke down an old tank and put a bunch in a mason jar because I was thinking about using it again. Almost 3 months later I put it into an unlighted tank with no c02 or fertz and it literally sprang back to life. You will have no problem with it.
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