Jungle ACE ammonia, + cloramine eliminator

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ive never used it... the ammonia remover isn't really suggested to be used. If you are looking for a water conditioner you need somethign that removes "chlorine and chloranamines" like Tetra aquasafe, nutrafin aquaplus, or everyones favorite, Prime.

Why do you want to use this? Is there ammonia in your tank? Better to reduce that with water changes than to use chemicals.
I would go with Seachem Prime. It's everybodys favourite because it works and is highly concentrated, more than most/all other products so it'll last you longer.
I agree with Ashley. If your tank is cycled, then you don't need ammonia remover. If your tank is not cycled, then adding ammonia remover will only stall the cycle. I use Prime myself and would also recommend it. :D
I was Thinking that I had too much ammonia in my tank because they were flashing and didnt have ich. so I did a water change and added this and it seemed to do the trick... I wont be adding this at all anymore unless they keep doing it. I need to treat my chlorine however
To treat the chlorine/chloramines you will need Prime. Your fishes might also be itching because they already have it but don't necessarily show it yet. Otherwise they may have other parasites, but they don't itch because of ammonia.

Anyhow, have you ever tested the ammonia levels in your tank? If not you need to get a test kit and check it frequently. Did you cycle your tank? Ammonia and nitrite can kill you fishes in no time!
Yes, get a test kit. The liquid reagent ones are way better than the strips. If you have ammonia readings the best thing you can do is a water change, as the ammonia removers will only complicate things. :D
Definitely get a test kit. You don't have to use a certain brand like "prime" if you can't find it, but definetly get a water conditioner that removes "CHLORINE" and Chloranamine.

Its better to remove/reduce ammonia by doing water changes as apposed to chemicals. Sometimes the chemicals claim to "lock up" the ammonia which means its still there, but you don't know how much and it may still show positive on a test.. then you have no idea where you are at in your cycle... and it can mess up with the biological filtration.

Do you know about the nitrogen cycle?
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