jungle val not doing well...

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 27, 2012
I have a 25 gal with two 14w NO T5. All plants except the jungle vals are doing well. I have anubias, mayaca, amazon swords, windolev fern, java fern and anacharis... Jungle val has been there for nearly 3 months.. No new growth at all. Just old leaves some which have been yellowing and I have trimmed them... Lately, some leaves have some black outline on them. I rarely dose Excel and even when I do it's low dose... Any ideas? I am thinking of taking them out and leave them in a glass jar near a sunny window. Then after couple of weeks, float them in the tank.. If they recoup, then I shall plant them... Any help is very much appreciated. Thanks.
I have corkscrew vals and they were slow to establish. Without seeing a picture the black outline sounds alot like BBA. I use glutaraldehyde (same as Excel) daily and have never had issues with my corkscrew vals melting but it seems according to all I've heard and read that jungle val is very sensitive to Excel. Have you lifted out one leaf to see if there are healthy roots? If there are healthy roots it still may decide to come to life. I know mine just kind of sat in the tank for maybe 3 months before I saw any growth. I've never tried floating them in the tank or in water in a window sorry. I'd go by the roots. If you have good roots I'd say leave them alone, if their roots are rotted or bad looking then maybe try floating some healthy pieces. But it still could be the excel, no way to tell for sure.
Thanks for your thoughts. I will take a look at the roots. I dose Excel only once a week and that too 2 mL. And it's a 25 gal tank. May be I will hold off on Excel for a while then...
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