Just aquired a 75 gal!! Now I have questions

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 26, 2007
Seattle, Washington
Yay for MTS. I already have plans for the 15 gal that is being vacated, however, for the 75 gal:

I have a penguin biowheel 350 filter

What is best/most successful for a fishless cycle? Ammonia or products such as Bio spira?

what kind of substrate would be best, as I am looking to make this 75gal planted, I had been thinking sand...

Also, for stocking:
I tend towards semi-aggressive community fish, also fish that are kinda weird...
I have a RTBS, Angel, and Hifin pleco, how would these fish do?

BGK (if I can find one)
Barbs (especially tiger)
Hi Fin Tetras
Clown Loaches
maybe another pleco? (possibly BN)
Any other stock suggestions for me to consider during this long wait?
You'll need an ammonia source whether you use biospira or not. Either get clean ammonia to dose or some unseasoned raw shrimp.

Bio-SPira seems to be hit or miss as to whether or not you get quality product and it works or not.

If you're planning on planting, check into the stickies at the top of the planted forum for info on substrates.
Thanks for that. So would you recommend the raw shrimp method or the ammonia method? also, how imperative is it to put in the substrate and decorations prior to the cycle? I'm so impatient!
It depends on really what kind of person you are.

Do you want to control your cycle and keep tabs on it every day? Get clean ammonia (make sure you ask before you get this if you're going this route).

Want to start it and forget it for a few weeks, go shrimp.

It's good to have substrate in, because this is more area for the bacteria to grow. However, most of your bacteria will adhere in your filter sponges, etc anyway, so it's not necessary.

Good seed material is KEY to a quick cycle however. Have you read the articles on fishless cycling and the nitrogen cycle?
I did read those articles, and have followed several threads. Just wanted to double check on a few questions. I'm going to use some gravel from my smaller tank for seed material, and squeeze and swish my filter media around in the tank as well. I think I'll go for the shrimp method, since I'm too nervous to over dose the ammonia and haven't purchased the full python kit yet. Will one shrimp be enough for my tank? What size shrimp exactly, that I've never found out. And since substrate isn't really required, I'll go ahead and start now, I really can't wait!
for a 75 gallon I would think 2-3 pretty good sized ones. it's not an exact science though - but the key is to make sure they are unseasoned and uncooked.
Good deal. I'll get started on filling and get ready for the girlfriend to come home with a couple shrimp! Any suggestions for stocking?
lol, hopefully mine will go smoother than filling this tank!
yep. As expected, I just poured water all down the front of me walking from the kitchen to the living room with a giant halloween candy bowl filled to the brim...that's it, next paycheck I'm getting the 25' python. :x Since I wanted to save money and only bought the small python and not even the full kit! serves me right I guess lol
Berserkr said:
Any suggestions for stocking?
My advice to you would be to figure out which one or two fish you DEFINITELY want and go from there. When I was planning my tank I knew I wanted it to center around Gouramis. Once I figured out what I wanted for Gouramis I did research to find out what fish are compatible. Do you have any fish in mind?
Yeah out of the list i had in my initial post, a BGK, a couple more angels to keep the one I already have, company. And clown loaches. Barbs too, but mostly a BGK and Clown loaches or dojo loaches
Pool filter sand works great in a my planted tanks.Thats what I have in all of em.Looks good and cheap too.
LOL how many trips did you make back and forth to the sink with a candy bowl of water.

Get the Python. It will make your life SOOOOOO much easier at PWC time. Also, get one size up from what you think you will need. A little extra helps with the Python.

The raw shrimp cycle is by far the way to go. To quote an infomercial, just "set it and forget it." For a few weeks anyway. Put them in a mesh bag so you can remove them easily instead of having them fall apart when it is time to take the remains out.
Thanks for the tip about the bag! Yeah, I'm definately going to go get the full python set up, I'll use my cheap small 5 dollar python I bought onsale for a syphon for when I make beer! I got the shrimp last night, but am going to return my filter and heater since I got ripped off...stupid me...then I'll dump the shrimp in. Should start the fishless cycle tomorrow at the latest hopefully!

I'm going to get some pool filter sand and river bottom type stones to go with some driftwood and plants for my overall decor in my 75
Berserkr - Are you reffering to Black Ghost Knife (BGK)? If you are they will out grow your tank they can reach 3-4 feet in aquariums. You might want re think this unless you have a 240gal tank or larger.
Why fishless cycle? you have an established tank already, put the old filter media in your new tank and introduce the fish slowly.. Instant re-cycle.. You can also give the media a squeeze into the tank water. I've never cycled a tank, moving from a 20 -> 75 -> 120..
I figure, even using the old filter media, which I would still need for the small tank, since it will be a DP tank, I don't think the growth of beneficial bacteria would be fast enough that the fish wouldn't be stressed. So I'm acting on the side of caution. Has anyone else done Wizzard's method? Not to say your method doesn't work, if it does, awesome. That way I could start stocking sooner!
There is nothing better in a fishless cycle then adding in old media from another tank. Instead of growing your bacteria from scratch you already have it to jump start the process. If you do not want to use your old media and fish at the same time, add the media with a fishless cycle to jump start it.
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