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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 27, 2003
New York
Hi folks! I just joined the forum yesterday, and wanted to introduce myself. My name is Greg, and I live in southern New York. My daughter and I enjoy this hobby together. I started this sw thing for her benefit when she was 2, and now, at 4-1/2, she tells me she wants to be a marine biologist, so she can "save the coral reefs."

We have two salt water tanks; a 55 gallon with 80 lbs. of rock and some polyps and mushrooms. We run an Amiracle HOB skimmer, with the bio-ball chamber converted to a mini-refugium. Its inhabitants include a yellow tang, velvet damsel, 2 white-bonnet clowns, 2 scissor tail gobies, gold stripe maroon clown and a royal gramma. We also have a red linckia star and a brittle star.

Our other tank is a 5.5 gallon nano. It runs filterless, with a Whisper 10 solely for circulation, aeration, and to occasionally run carbon. A MiniJet 404 is used for additional circulation, as well. The tank has eleven lbs. of live rock, and I change 5% of its water daily. The tank includes an ocellaris and a magenta pseudochromis, along with a few dozen various mushrooms. It's got a serpent star and a few blue-legs for cleanup, and a shaving brush which helps remove nitrate.

I'm glad to be on the board, and hope I can offer some good advice as well as receive some!
Hey!! I know you!! Great to have you here!!

to AquariumAdvice.com!!
Hi Flipper, and welcome!

I have a 5.5 gallon tank with one betta. I don't have room right now for a bigger tank (gives me some incentive to clean out the basement!) but I was thinking of another 5.5 or 10 gallon tank. One of the things I was considering for it is a nano reef, so if I start one, I'll be sure to post and hopefully you can help! I haven't seen too many nano reef discussions here.
An t-iasg said:
One of the things I was considering for it is a nano reef, so if I start one, I'll be sure to post and hopefully you can help! I haven't seen too many nano reef discussions here.

I'd be glad to help! This little tank has been a big success and a lot of fun!
Welcome to Aquarium Advice.
Sound like you know what your doing.
its good to have another experienced person on board.

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