Just starting off, need some advice!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 5, 2009
Pensacola, Florida
So I'm pretty new to saltwater aquariums and I need some advice. I bought an etablished tank, but I want to take it further. Here's what I have,

29 gallon tank with...
-Hang on Filter (Marineland Emperor 280 with a bio-wheel)
- Heater (THEO UL Heater 150W)

It has...
-about 35 pounds of live rock
-about 2 inches of sand (looks more like crushed shells)
-Two Ocellaris Clownfish
-One Peppermint shrimp, one Fire shrimp, two small hermit crabs and three turbo slugs

Is the filtration for this tank adequate, I'm going to get a protein skimmer and some better lighting, and a powerhead soon. What else do I need for a healthy tank.
I might want to make it a reeftank soon, is this a good idea?

I Also, I put in two Green Chromis a couple weeks back, but both died. They seemed sick from the start. My second peppermint shrimp also died (I bought these at the local petland, not sure if it's a good place for aquariums). But my tank seems fine, I added my second clownfish two weeks ago and it's doing great, and the water tests came back normal, any ideas?
if i were you i will get a quarantine tank, that will prevent many illnesses and will make it easier to observe the fish and to fatten up, also that filter will do fine if ou get the simmer, in my opinion lighting depends if you are going soft corals or hard corals if you are going with soft i thing at least 2 t5s will do just fine, also ill buy a test kit if you dont have one, also dont use tap water use ro/di water they usually sell it at the pet store for 20 cents per gallon or you can buy a ro di unit for 95 dollar on ebay, thats what i paid for but they can be really expensive too.and skimmerd dont get the seaclone those suck!!! also dont forget about the salt,and one more thing you have to be patient that was my mistake and because of that one of my fish got stressed and got ich and it wiped out almos all of my fish but my 2 clown
the live rock filtration will be fine. But, if the tank has been broken down and your are moving it to your place (with all the livestock separated and the live rock kept moist) I would swap out what sounds like a crushed coral substrate and put in some fine argonite sand.

The crushed coral can tend to store up detrius, which can lead to increased nitrates. It's hard enough to manage water parameters on a smaller tank and the sand bottom will help with that. Plus, it's easier for your CUC to stir up and keep clean.
I didn't think I needed to cycle the tank because it was already established, oops! I'm getting my RO water from my lfs and they test my water.

If I take the crushed coral out and put in aragonite will I need to re-cycle the tank or do I just have to wait till it settles to put everything back in?

I'm getting a Sattelite USA lamp with two 65w cf's, is this any good?
I didn't think I needed to cycle the tank because it was already established, oops! I'm getting my RO water from my lfs and they test my water.

If I take the crushed coral out and put in aragonite will I need to re-cycle the tank or do I just have to wait till it settles to put everything back in?

I'm getting a Sattelite USA lamp with two 65w cf's, is this any good?

im not familiar with that light, iyes you will need to cycle the tank if u get sand and if i were you ill put my fish in the Quarantine tank while it cycles and ill add a few raw shrimp to the tank so it cycles a little bit faster
That should give you about 4Watt per gallon. You would be fine with that. You may have some issues trying to keep SPS or clams, but everything else should be fine with that much light
Hey guys, I think I'm buying an AquaC remora protein skimmer? I was stuck between that and a Coralife super skimmer, the remora's twice the price but I want something I can use later on when I upgrade tanks. Is this a good choice?

Also, is the Koralite nano a good powerhead, or should I go with the Koralite 1?
Hey guys, I think I'm buying an AquaC remora protein skimmer? I was stuck between that and a Coralife super skimmer, the remora's twice the price but I want something I can use later on when I upgrade tanks. Is this a good choice?

If you plan on upgrading the tank, plan on a larger skimmer for that tank. If you have a 30G now and plan on getting a 55, or whatever else, in the future, get a skimmer that will handle that. I don't think it's possible to overskim.
Tell us what the water readings are. Can't just say "normal" and hope to figure out if anything is wrong and killing shrimp or fish.

P.S. Got a suspicion your nitrate readings are higher then optimal. Even though the tank was "established", may have stirred up some ammonia during the move. Again, take the readings and let us know.
Hey guys, I've been gone for a while, I even had to leave my tank behind cause we 'evacuated' for Ida. I will have to check my tank's levels, but I'm changing the substrate out soon, so I'll check it when this is done.
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