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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 8, 2005
New York
10 gallon community tank.

15 watts.

What kind of plants, how many, and how do you keep them healthy.

Right now, the tank has 4 bloodfin tetras and 1 red honey gourami.

Thanks for your help.
With 15w fixtures you can get enough light for several species of plants. I am growing Cryptocoryne wendtii, Cryptocoryne lutea, Java Fern, African Fern, moss balls and Dwarf Sags all under 15w fluorescent lamps. Of course some of these plants will grow better if you have more light. I have found the following site helpful when trying to choose plants.


As far as numbers go it really depends on how heavily you want to plant your tank. Dwarf Sag will proliferate to eventually cover the entire bottom if you are patient enough and let it.

In regards to keeping your plants healthy, I am a big fan of Seachem's fertilizers. I use Flourish, Flourish Excel, Flourish Iron, Flourish Tabs, etc.
Anubias would also work well with your lighting. At 1.5 wpg I doubt you will need to fertilize much but gheitman is right, Seachem's products will work great for your needs. You won't get very heavy growth at that wattage but as long as you stick to hardy low-light plants you should do well :)
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